Maggie Piotrowski ’22 is an aviation enthusiast and pilot in training who actively pushes the boundaries of a hardworking UHart student every day.
Originally entering the College of Arts and Sciences as a computer science major, Maggie quickly found out that her true passion was rooted in software engineering. She already had a solid foundation in software engineering because her father, a software engineer, taught her computer programs like basic Java, and C++ growing up.
With that in mind, Maggie researched UHart’s Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) program and was delighted to find that courses offered included circuit building, hardware manufacturing, and other hands-on engineering content. Enrolling in the CSE program gave Maggie the opportunity to strengthen her strong technical skills and immerse herself in a versatile environment. She also was happy to learn the CSE major combined all of her favorite subjects through the integration of electrical engineering and computer engineering with computer science. It even tied in her love for aviation because the program offered avionic software development. “My passion is aviation, and I’m glad I have been able to integrate that into my academics,” she says.
After her first year, Maggie worked as an Apple specialist at Apple Inc. over the summer. This experience helped her make connections in the technology field and advance her hardware skills. Maggie now works as a system administrator for UHart’s Computing Sciences Department where she is responsible for maintaining servers, collaborating with computer science students for website hosting, using Mac terminal service, and even working with professors on how to use systems.
Maggie’s relentless pursuit for knowledge hasn’t stopped with her courses; rather, she is propelled by the University’s curriculum to learn even more. Currently, she is working on a simulation research project with Computing Sciences Assistant Professor Zhoujun Duan and Physics Professor Dan Liu, which is greatly influencing her and giving her reliable insight into the computer science engineering world. Just like her classes, the hands-on work keeps Maggie immersed in creating an environment where she is continually encouraged to improve her skills.
Most mornings, Maggie is at flight school flying and working toward her next pilot rating. Her dream job? “To be a pilot, corporate preferably, or to work at an aircraft/aerospace company as a software engineer.”
Maggie Piotrowski, Computer Science and EngineeringUHart has helped me find the balance between flight school, academic life, and work life, and my professors and advisors have been very supportive of my goals."